
© 1979-present
St. Croix Valley Brittany Club
All Rights Reserved
St. Croix Valley Brittany Club
"Dedicated to Improving the Breed"

The Club
The St. Croix Valley Brittany club was started in 1979 by a group of hunting dog enthusiasts who were looking to make the Brittany a more versatile gun dog. Although primarily a Brittany Club, other breeds are represented. Our club's main objective is to improve the breed, as well as providing club members with training opportunities and advice for the average Brittany owner. The St. Croix Valley Brittany Club is a member of the American Brittany Club, the American Kennel Club and is a recognized breed sponsor by the American Field.

Breed Standard
The Brittany is a small dog, weighing about 30 to 40 pounds, and from 17-1/2 to 20-1/2 inches at the shoulder. The Brittany can be Orange & white or liver & white in either clear or roan patterns, or tri-colored. The Brittany is considered one of America's most popular gun dogs. The Brittany points game and retrieves. Is energetic and quick of movement with an exceptionally keen nose and a very biddable disposition. They can be tailess or have a docked tail of approximately 4 inches. The first Brittany was registered with the AKC in 1934, named for the French province.


Winter: Annual Banquet
Spring: AKC Walking Field Trial
Summer: Summer Training Sessions
Fall: AKC Field Trial, AKC Hunt Test

Officers & Directors
President(FieldTrials)Steve Ralph651-464-5177mail@blazinbritts.com
1st VP(FieldTrials)Bret Lindback612-290-3949bretman@aol.com
2nd VP(Membership)Susan Januschka651-485-4765gmount@centurytel.net
3rd VP(HuntTests)Mary Tyson612-516-1655ms.tyson@hotmail.com
SecretaryJohn Chejne612-554-9178jchejne@comcast.net
TreasurerJohn Chejne612-554-9178jchejne@comcast.net
DirectorDavid Carlson612-210-3318davecarlsonz21@gmail.com
DirectorDave Hamilton651-231-2554dhamil1580@aol.com
DirectorSean Ryan612-325-1990seanmryan@mac.com

Committees (Chairman & Secretaries)
Banquet Chair: Mary Tyson
Field Trials Chair: Bret Lindback
  Sec. (Spring Walking): Susan Januschka
  Sec. (Fall): Steve Ralph
Training Sessions Chair: John Chejne
Hunt Tests Chair: Mary Tyson